20th CBRNE Staff
Staff Sections

G1 - Human Resources

LTC Valerie Knight - ACoS G1
Mr. Kent Ward - Deputy ACoS G1
  • HR Specialist (Military): 410-306-3259
  • HR Specialist (Civilian): 410-306-3287
  • HRC Homepage

G2 - Intelligence

LTC Matthew Zimmerman - ACoS G2
Mr. Steven Sieranski - Deputy AcoS G2
  • Security Specialist: 410-306-2761
  • HR Specialist (Civilian): 410-306-2756

G3 - Operations

COL Vance Brunner - ACoS G3
Mr. Michael Standish - Deputy ACoS G3
  • Current Operations and Integration Center (COIC): 410-306-4100

G4 - Logistics

LTC Joseph R. Irwin - ACoS G4
Mr. Joe Bestor - Deputy ACoS G4
  • Maintenance: 410-306-3342
  • Supply and Services: 410-306-3310
  • Mobility: 410-306-3355
  • ​Plans: 410-306-3319

G6 - Communications

LTC Ann Anderson - ACoS G6
Mr. Xavier (Monte) Dashiell - Deputy ACoS COS

G8- Resource Management

LTC Troy Smart - ACoS G8
Ms. Emilie Herold-Webber - Deputy ACoS G8
Special Staff


LTC Ben Clark - Chaplain
  • Gov Cell: 443-910-5845
  • Office: 410-306-3098 
SFC Sherica Cox - Chaplain Assistant 

Command Judge Advocate

MAJ Andrew D'Amelio - Director
  • Office: 410-306-2738  
Ms. Amy Snyder - Deputy Director
  • Office: 410-306-2729

Commander's Initiative Group

Ms. Pam Silcox - CIG Chief
  • Office: 410-306-2613
MAJ Mitchell Lokker - CIG Deputy
  • Office: 410-306-2698

Equal Opportunity 

MSG Jody Mease EO Chief
  • Office: 410-306-3148
SFC Mark Wise

Headquarters & Headquarters Company

CPT Ali Salman - HHC Commander
1SG Zackery Jones - First Sergeant
  • HR Specialist: 410-306-3080
  • HHC Operations Specialist: 410-306-3077

Inspector General 

LTC Amy Wheeler - Command Inspector General
MSG Danny Volkert- Inspector General
MSG Ralp Bailey - Inspector General

Knowledge Management

LTC Cameron Wright - Chief Knowledge Officer
  • Office: 410-306-4841
Mr. Daniel Ballard - SharePoint Administrator
  • Office: 410-306-3885

Protocol Office

Susan Persing - Director
  • Office: 410-306-2615

Public Affairs Office

MAJ Steven Modugno - Director
  • Office: 410-306-2721/2727
Mr. Walter T. Ham IV - Deputy Director
  • Office: 410-306-2725


SGM Eric Dethridge

Risk Management Team

Mr. Charles Grady - Director
Mr. Tim Sank - Deputy Director
  • Occupational Health and Safety Specialist: 410-306-2783
  • RMT Operations: 410-306-2771

Secretary General Staff

CPT Charles Novinger - SGS
  • 410-306-2693
SGM Thomas Holk - SGS SGM
  • Executive Assistant: 410-306-2615
  • Operations Specialist: 410-306-3051


MSG Matthew Gilbert

Surgeon Section

LTC - Scott Robinson Director
MSG Brennie Laracuente - Med Ops NCOIC
  • Medical Readiness Coordinator: 410-306-2816
  • Medical Operations: 410-306-2814